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Augmented reality tech use cases

AR/VR Technology: Use Cases Across Industries [2023]

Today’s a world that is increasingly driven by innovation.

Emerging tech like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) have turned out to be immensely transformative for several industries. From revolutionizing customer experiences to enhancing training and design processes, these immersive technologies have changed how we interact with digital content.

This post explores the diverse applications of augmented reality tech and VR across industries like fashion, e-commerce, and logistics and draws valuable insights with industry-specific use cases.

Read on!

Demystifying AR and VR

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are cousins from the same tech family. However, each tech comes with a unique approach.

While AR overlays digital elements onto the real world, enhancing all we hear and see, VR is about creating an immersive environment that can transport users to a different reality. Together, both technologies hold infinite possibilities. Reportedly, the total number of users across the AR/VR market is expected to be no less than 2,593.0m by the end of 2027.

Let’s take a look at some of the use cases for augmented and virtual reality:

  • Augmented Reality Tech For Clothing Brands : Imagine trying multiple outfits without entering a fitting room. A few years ago, that would sound like an impossible dream. Today, AR has revolutionized the fashion industry by enabling virtual try-ons. Consumers can now visualize how a dress would look on them without actually wearing it in-person. Such rewarding outcomes are quickly bridging the gap between online shopping and in-store experience, instilling customer confidence and reducing return rates for products.
  • The Delightful World Of Simulation : Virtual Reality is the driving force behind the world of simulated reality. By wearing a VR headset, users are transported to a new world. Whether it’s entertainment, education, or training needs, VR as tech can create a sense of presence like nothing else in comparison.
  • Breaking Barriers For Remote Working: Ever since remote working became the new normal, businesses are leveraging VR for employee training and collaboration. Especially, when you have a team spread globally but still find a way to work in the same room. From mock client presentations to immersive product prototyping, VR is breaking physical barriers to facilitate seamless interactions and boost creativity and efficiency.
  • Dedicated Online Makeup Tools: Virtual try-ons aren’t just limited to clothes. Today, several online makeup tools allow users to test different makeup products without putting them on. Such advancements are redefining the cosmetics industry as one can experiment with various looks before purchasing the product. Going forward, it renders valuable customer experience to foster brand loyalty and engagement.
  • Rethinking Logistics: Efficient and punctual delivery is pivotal in sustaining a logistics business. The integration of augmented reality (AR) has reshaped the operational landscape of logistics companies. For instance, AR glasses have become an indispensable tool for logistics professionals. From offering seamless access to digital packing lists and offering optimal travel routes to reduce transit times, they sure are a game-changer. Also, several AR devices can seamlessly scan items for potential damages, expertly pack goods into appropriately sized containers, and optimize the utilization of cargo loading spaces.

AR and VR: A Synergy Like No Other

Augmented reality tech, along with virtual reality, are undoubtedly distinct technologies. However, there’s no denying they are meant to complement each other.

Imagine a VR headset that blends the real world with virtual elements or augmented reality tech glasses that enhance a virtual environment. Such a synergy opens up new avenues for applications, from gaming to education, drug discovery to manufacturing, and everything else in between.

If one wants to trace the origin of AR and VR, things go back as old as 1838 when the stereoscope was invented by Charles Wheatstone. A lot has changed since then, but the journey of AR and VR has only begun.

With time, these technologies will hold the key to creating experiences that will be realistic and accessible. Take SelfStylo for instance which is a virtual makeup application tool that produces highly authentic virtual makeup simulations to engage customers. For cosmetic brands, embracing an app like SelfStylo is surely a way to boost conversion rates while also mitigating product returns. 

AR and Virtual Try Ons Redefining How Brands Sell

The fine matrimony of augmented and virtual reality across multiple industries is a testament to the power of innovation.

From transforming how we shop for clothes, augmented reality tech has revolutionized how people use trial rooms. Plus, virtual try-on is a boon to cosmetics manufacturers who can now interest customers without asking them to try their products first-hand. A beauty AR app like SelfStylo is one-of-a-kind that packs a range of cosmetic try-ons for users.

Certainly, such immersive experiences couldn’t have been possible without augmented reality. As we look into the future, the prospects of AR and VR continue to expand, promising a world where reality and imagination intertwine.

Augmented reality tech for brands 2023


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions related to AR and VR.

How does AR differ from VR?

Simply put, AR overlays digital content onto the real world and enhances our surroundings, while VR helps conjure an immersive digital environment with options to explore.

How AR tech in fashion is changing the game for B2C brands? 

AR has revolutionized the world of fashion by enabling virtual try-ons, allowing users to visualize how clothes would look on them before purchasing. Besides, several online makeup tools are fast changing the concept of trial makeup, where you will never have to expose your skin to new cosmetics. Instead, the tool would allow you to experiment with different looks before you are confident enough to make a purchase.

How effectively can virtual reality be used for businesses?

As a virtual reality company, you can make the most of the technology for employee training, collaboration, and creative processes in businesses, thereby breaking the physical barriers for global teams.
