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Applications Of Augmented Reality tech india

Real-World Applications Of Augmented Reality (AR) Technology

Applications of augmented reality are endless, and many industries have adopted the latest technology to improve their business operations. From business giants to regular customers, everyone is leveraging the benefits of AR apps and improving online shopping.

If used appropriately, the tool can improve the business profits of brands and boost customer availability. For instance, retailers can connect with their customers and offer personalized services using real-time data analysis.

In this article, we’ll reveal the top real-world applications of augmented reality that can revolutionize the business world.

Top Applications Of Augmented Reality

Top Applications Of Augmented Reality

According to the Threekit report 2022, 40% of customers say they would buy more products with AR. That said, online retailers can expect higher profit margins after using AR. Augmented reality apps offer interactive and immersive experiences to users and improve the customer purchase journey.

One of the best applications of AR is in the retail world, where users can use their smartphones and try products before buying. For example, IKEA uses augmented reality to allow customers to test furniture products virtually with 3D images. Below are the top applications of AR across different sectors.

Retail Sector

Online and offline retailers use augmented reality’s benefits to sell products. AR is helping eCommerce shoppers to view products in the physical world with their mobile phones.

Try-on tools have gained popularity as shoppers want to test and try products before making purchases.

If you’re an eCommerce owner wanting to sell makeup products online, try the SelfStylo tool. It is an AR tool with multiple features like split-screen features, social media integration, etc., that allow customers to view products in the virtual world and make purchases.

Gaming & Entertainment

Pokemon Go was a smash hit a couple of years back, peaking at over 250 million players every month. This showed the potential of augmented reality in the entertainment and gaming sectors.

Game developers are experimenting with new tech. Immersive technology aims to import the game characters into the physical world and let gamers enjoy the visualization.

AR In Medical Field

One best example of AR in the medical field is medical imaging which allows doctors to handle complex medical situations. Doctors use AR applications to determine diseases’ end-to-end structure, shapes, and margins.

These AR applications give insights into a patient’s body with three dimensional augmented format. The improved medical facilities with AR help doctors improve care by changing how they diagnose and treat patients. Besides, it helps medical students understand human anatomy during medical training.

AR Smart Glasses

AR smart glasses are another popular application of AR. The glasses are designed to combine virtual information with real-world scenes. They overlay the digital information on real-world objects and present 3D data to the users. With AR in shopping, users can compare products while in-store shopping and make an informed purchase.

Applications Of Augmented Reality in fashion

How To Use AR Apps For Your Fashion Brand

AR apps offer multiple benefits to retailers, including fashion brands. The tool lets users view 3D images and digital content via a smartphone before purchasing.

The best way to use AR/VR is by integrating the feature-rich tool into business. Below are a few ways to use AR-enabled apps and improve user experience.

Try Before You Buy

Augmented reality apps produce computer-generated visuals, so users can view products before buying. The available technology helps customers view products by overlaying digital content in the physical environment. Such technology is mainly used by beauty and clothing brands.

Facial Recognition Technology

Beauty brands integrate cutting-edge technology to improve how they sell makeup products online. Facial recognition detects the user’s face and applies makeup. When the user can visualize the products on their faces before purchasing, it reduces product returns and improves the post-purchase satisfaction rate.

In-Store Navigation

Finding products in the offline store is not as easy as it seems. Instead of employees, brands can implement an AR app to guide shoppers to their desired items.

By integrating the virtual try-on tool in the navigation session, businesses can bridge the gap between offline and online stores. This adds convenience to customer shopping and encourages them to return.

Many technologies, including augmented reality, are helping brands drive sales and generate better revenue. One of the best virtual try-on tools available on the market is SelfStylo. The tool enables users to switch between makeup products, create their own experiences, and make a purchase.

Applications Of Augmented Reality Tech courses

Integrate AR Tech In Your Fashion Business

Applications of augmented reality are everywhere, as the tool revamps how businesses sell products and services in the digital world. As a result, the augmented reality market is evolving rapidly and opening doors to new opportunities.

Having an AR app in your business can be a game-changer in the long run. Our AR experts can help you enhance the user experience by adding new-gen technology to your business.

Get in touch with our AR team today to understand the applications of augmented reality and implement SelfStylo in your beauty business.
