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AR In Education: How To Use Augmented Reality In Education System

AR in education has made traditional teaching methods a thing of the past. With technology becoming crucial for all industries, the education sector is witnessing technological innovations. It overlays digital information with videos, sounds, and graphics on top of the real-world environment to make education more engaging. 

As smartphones are widely adopted, educators are increasingly expected to use AR in education. Besides education, other industries like fashion, manufacturing, space exploration, and engineering use augmented reality tools. In this augmented reality education guide, we reveal the benefits and use cases of the technology. 

Benefits Of Augmented Reality In Education 

The value of EdTech is predicted to cross $5.3 billion by 2023, indicating that it will open various opportunities in educational institutions. Augmented reality is being adopted in academic settings, helping students with complex subjects. For instance, AR can help students struggling with complex geometry problems. Students can see and manipulate 3D geometric forms by using augmented reality for education. 

In addition, universities use augmented reality during virtual field trips, helping students to interact with different cultures. Teachers can leverage the power of AR in education to allow students to grasp abstract concepts. AR and VR technologies can help teachers enhance classroom experiences, explore new academic interests, and inspire students’ minds. Below we have covered a few main benefits of implementing AR in learning. 

Student Engagement and Interest 

AR creates engaging educational content to help students skyrocket their interest in education. The technology allows the creation of virtual worlds, explore new interests, and add curriculum content according to students’ interests. 

Learning Environment 

AR classes help teachers make the learning environment more exciting, so students remain involved in their studies. By implementing interactive technology, educational institutions can boost the learning experience, enhance engagement, and get students to learn new skills. 

Concept Understanding 

Teachers reluctant to use AR technology in education find it hard to help students clear complex concepts. However, this is changing as more people understand the benefits of AR in different sectors. Using AR and VR enable teachers to create immersive educational content and ensure students learn the curriculum content better. 


AR improves collaboration between teachers and students to make the content more interactive and immersive. The digital content can be easily shared, boosting the participation of students in refining content. 


One of the best benefits of AR is that it creates memorable interactive stories. The excellent tool helps teachers to bring textbook lessons to life. This, in turn, assists students in remembering essential details for a long time. 

Sensory Development 

AR tools used in education create lesson plans with multisensory experiences. Instead of watching demonstrations, students can incorporate an experiential learning style in which students can carry out physical activities using AR. 


Smartphones continue to rise among young people, and implementing AR in education is becoming cost-effective. Technology can lower educational expenses by replacing costly textbooks. 

AR In Education: Use Cases & Examples 

From mathematics to chemistry, history, physics, and astronomy, technology like augmented reality plays a vital role in every subject. Here are a few use cases of augmented reality in education. 


Augmented reality is helping medical students interact with anatomical structures better and simplify the learning process. School students can learn and understand complex anatomical systems. Students can closely examine different body parts and organs in isolation with AR and see how organs work together. 


Education workers can use AR to teach astronomy. Different educational apps are designed to help students identify constellations, planets, satellites, and stars. AR in higher education overlays camera images with 3D visualizations of sky objects. 


Middle school students consider history lessons monotonous and boring. That’s why researchers are using augmented reality to improve class attention with interactive stories. Students can point their smartphone’s camera to a flashcard and see a live image. 


AR content can help students learn STEM subjects like mathematics, biology, and chemistry. Many students often find it hard to imagine three-dimensional objects. That’s why teachers prefer using AR to help students understand maths and engineering-related concepts. 


High school students use augmented education technology to enhance physics and chemistry learning. For example, researchers are using augmented reality to see how the magnetic field reacted using their smartphones. In addition, AR makes abstract concepts like the microscopic phenomenon of the photoelectric effect easy by stimulating virtual apps. 

Not only in education but augmented reality is also revolutionizing other industries like beauty and fashion. Many top brands are using AR content to better engage their customers. Some use cases of augmented reality in fashion include gamification of online shopping, virtual tours, etc. If you want to revolutionize your fashion brand with the power of tech, contact SelfStylo today. 

Build An AR App For Your Business 

The education market is among the top three promising AR and VR technology development sectors. With the power of AR, the classrooms of the future may not look like the traditional ones anymore. 

Students and teachers will use the AR application to improve learning. Augmented reality in education and training will ensure studies have a positive impact on students and they learn better. 

If you want to understand the concept of augmented reality in education or fashion in detail, schedule a free demo with experts of SelfStylo. The virtual makeup try-on tool helps beauty and cosmetic brands to revamp how they sell products online.
