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sustainable fashion 2023

How Sustainable Fashion Can Outgrow Fast Fashion With AR

The fast fashion industry’s inexpensive and throwaway garment consumption has left adverse environmental and social effects. Sustainable practices are becoming more popular in the fashion industry as a response to the harmful effects of fast fashion.  

Integrating augmented reality (AR) technology with sustainable fashion is one unique strategy to propagate fashion business models that are planet-friendly. In this article, we will look at how augmented reality can promote the same.

The Fast Fashion Problem

Fast fashion is defined as the rapid creation of inexpensive, stylish clothing intended to be worn briefly before being discarded. The sector has grown exponentially because of the low cost of manufacturing, which frequently involves unethical labor practices and subpar materials. By extension, fast fashion has a severe negative impact on the environment.

Waste Generation

Fast fashion causes massive amounts of textile waste since people throw away clothing as soon as the newest trends emerge. Due to this, incinerators and landfills overflow, causing environmental contamination.

Resource Depletion

To make inexpensive clothing, many natural resources, such as water and energy, are required. The textile industry is one of the industries that utilize the most water globally, exacerbating water scarcity issues.

Ethical Concerns

Fast fashion often relies on exploitative labor practices in low-wage countries, leading to poor working conditions and human rights violations.

Sustainable Fashion’s Rise

Sustainable fashion has gained traction in response to the fast fashion dilemma. Sustainable fashion aims to produce apparel with a more negligible social and environmental impact. With augmented reality, fashion brands can expect sustainability to become a norm.

Sustainable fashion adheres to the following guidelines:

Eco-Friendly Materials

Sustainable fashion designers often use organic, recyclable, or biodegradable materials to lessen the adverse environmental effects of the textile industry.

Ethical Labor Practices

The sustainable fashion business values employees and offers them fair treatment, living salaries, and secure working conditions.

Slow Fashion

Slow fashion encourages shoppers to purchase fewer high-quality items and invest in timeless, lasting apparel.


Consumers can make educated decisions using the thorough information that sustainable brands frequently give about their production processes and supplier chains.

The Role of Augmented Reality in Sustainable Fashion

Augmented reality (AR) overlays computer-generated pictures, movies, or data over the real-world imagery of a person. It can transform the fashion sector by making fashion consumption and production more sustainable. 

The ways in which it can impact include: 

Virtual Try-Ons

AR enables customers to try on clothing items without doing so in person. This lessens the need for frequent journeys to physical stores and the associated transportation-related carbon emissions. This is one of the many reasons why virtual reality is an important inclusion for fashion.

Personalized Styling

By examining a customer’s body type, preferred styles, and prior purchases, AR can suggest eco-friendly clothing goods that suit their choices and morals. This encourages shoppers to make thoughtful decisions.

Educational Experiences

A piece of apparel’s environmental and social effects, like its carbon footprint or the circumstances surrounding its production, can be disclosed to customers using AR. Consumers with this power can then choose sustainable alternatives.

Virtual Fashion Shows

Brands can employ augmented reality (AR) to create immersive virtual fashion shows available to a worldwide audience. This can be done rather than holding resource-intensive and exclusive actual fashion displays.

Reduced Returns

AR can lower the number of product returns by providing more precise virtual try-ons and thorough product information. Frequent returns are usually costly for merchants and environmentally harmful owing to transportation and restocking, 

Sustainable Fashion with AR: A Way to Combat Fast Fashion

To combat the adverse effects of fast fashion, sustainable fashion must address both industry-wide ethical problems and environmental concerns. From streetwear to luxury brands, virtual try-ons can become a new novelty.

By offering creative solutions that improve the shopping experience and inform customers of the environmental and social repercussions of their clothing choices, AR technology has the potential to hasten the transition to sustainable design.

Drive Growth in Sustainable Fashion with AR

The fashion industry must change to accommodate changing consumer demands as consumers grow more knowledgeable and careful about their purchases. 

Brands can fight the spread of rapid fashion and help the industry move towards a more sustainable future by embracing augmented reality and incorporating it into sustainable fashion practices.

A more sustainable and ethical fashion environment is promoted by AR, which not only improves the shopping experience but also gives consumers the power to make decisions that are consistent with their principles.

If you’re a brand that believes in sustainable practices, AR can help take you a step further. With SelfStylo, you can integrate AR try-ons for your products and quickly achieve your climate-conscious goals! Want to see how well-adjusted your products would be with AR? Book a free demo with us to learn more!

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