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Augmented Reality And Fashion benefits

Augmented Reality And Fashion: The New Immersive Trend [2023]

Augmented reality and fashion are two seemingly distinct industries converging in multiple exciting ways. AR technology in the fashion world offers new possibilities for enhancing the customer shopping experience. From virtual try-on to interactive displays, the integration of AR and fashion is shaping the future of the fashion industry.

Immersive technologies like augmented reality fashion help brands drive sales, reduce high product return rates, and enhance customer experience. With brands using augmented reality in fashion, it is set to explode in the near future. The best example of the latest technology is AR filters that superimpose computer-generated images over the real world. 

Most leading fashion brands, like Gucci, deploy AR online shopping tools to solve the pain points in the customer journey. Using AR as a part of the retail experience enables customers to try products in the virtual world and purchase products using smartphones. In this AR guide, we will walk you through the main differences between AR and VR and how implementing AR can help fashion retailers. 

Augmented Reality And Fashion difference

AR And VR In Fashion: What Is The Difference 

Many fashion brands often get confused between AR and VR. Even though both augmented reality and virtual reality fall under the mixed reality category, it’s important to understand what’s the difference between the two. 

While augmented reality in the fashion industry facilitates the addition of digital elements to the physical world, virtual reality transports users into the digital world. Unlike VR, which requires wearing a headset, AR allows you to access and explore 3D images using smartphones. 

Users can leverage the AR apps to try virtual clothing or makeup. They can view and explore items in the digital realm with nothing more than a smartphone device. Augmented reality is changing the way companies engage with their customers in online stores. 

Augmented Reality And Fashion benefits for retail

How Does AR Fashion Assists Innovative Retailers? 

According to a Statista report, the augmented reality market is expected to grow by $50 billion by the end of 2024. As more and more customers become technology-oriented, brands are integrating AR into eCommerce. Here’s how AR technology helps customers and innovative fashion brands. 

Gain Valuable Customer Insights 

Conducting market research and understanding customers is invaluable to improving marketing efforts. As AR allows customers to try products using virtual clothing try-on technology, it keeps users engaged for a long time. Marketers can gather information such as which fashion products are most popular. 

Additionally, the marketing team can understand how long a customer takes to decide on a product purchase. The information gathered using AR content can help marketing teams reach customers using personalized ads. When a company has insights into why visitors leave the website without buying, it can help them craft a well-structured sales funnel. 

Social Media AR Filters 

Augmented reality filters work to generate special effects for images. The filter superimposes different effects on the top of the user’s face. Many brands are launching Instagram AR filters to better connect with Gen-Z users and millennials. 

As social media filters provide a memorable experience, it helps brands boost brand recognition and customer loyalty. Many AR apps like SelfStylo come with an in-built social media integration feature. Customers can experience AR and share their views on social media platforms like Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. 

Boost Buyer Confidence 

Using augmented reality in fashion helps fashion retail brands improve buyer confidence when they make online purchases. AR can help online shoppers try products from the comfort of their homes. 

This experience helps them understand the product details and virtually view it in the 3D real-world environment. When buyers are confident about online purchases, they tend to buy more products. 

Create Viral Content

Immersive reality like virtual fitting rooms, AR apps, and Snapchat AR filters help brands create user-generated viral content. People can try products in the virtual world and share them with their family and friends with a few clicks. 

AR technologies help you gain a larger audience for your brand and boost global brand recognition. The latest technology and viral content help customers build trust and acceptance toward brand products. In addition, it reduces the marketing costs you’ll need to promote your product. 

Increases Revenue Generation 

The increased sense of ownership helps customers build trust in their choice. When customers understand what they’re purchasing and how a particular product will look on them, they’re likely to make a successful purchase with no product return required. 

AR shopping educates customers and helps them gain in-depth knowledge about what is being sold. It also presents a new opportunity for brands to upsell products and boost revenue generation. 

Augmented Reality And Fashion services

The Future Of The Augmented Reality Market 

If you plan to leverage the benefits of augmented reality in the fashion industry, it’s important to choose the right AR app. Not only should the app have all the features, but it should also have a clean user interface to help customers make an easy purchase. 

SelfStylo is a virtual makeup try-on tool that can help you stand head and shoulder above the competition. The clean user interface and multiple unique features like social media integration help brands connect with their customers at a deep, personal level. 

So, what are you waiting for? Contact SelfStylo today for a free demo and understand how augmented reality and fashion are interrelated.
